Family members of children with the serious pediatric illness have elevated needs for physical and mental health care, according to a new study conducted by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in partnership with Cigna. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. “The goal of the study was to think through how we can better support family health with programming, and there were a few key findings,” said Michael Manocchia, health and consumerism data science lead, and senior scientist at Cigna.
FDA publishes draft on using digital health technology
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released draught guidance outlining how digital health technology can be used to collect data from patients in clinical trials remotely. Sponsors, investigators, and stakeholders will find recommendations in the guidance on how to employ digital health technologies in clinical trials and how to make it easier for them to do so. The guideline covers the selection of DHTs for clinical research as well as the verification and validation.
Source: Becker’s Hospitalreview
Rite Aid signs rebate aggregation agreement with Prime Therapeutics
Rite Aid has signed a “rebate aggregation agreement” with Prime Therapeutics, a Blue Cross Blue Shield-owned pharmacy benefits management, in an effort to boost profit margins and industry competitiveness. The agreement relies on Prime Therapeutics, which is owned by 19 Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans, to help manage rebates, but may also be the first step to a closer relationship between the entities. “The CEO of Prime and I have discussed this to further partner in some very interesting ways, which I can’t get into now,” Rite Aid CEO Heyward Donigan said during an earnings call.